Sunday, March 11, 2012

Website Evaluation

The website I chose to validate was Dihydrogen Monoxide Research.

The organization in charge of this website is Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division because that is the name of the website. I know it is by an organization because the hmtl has a .org ending, However, it was written by a Tom Way. I know this because at the bottom of the page it specifically states "Copyright @ Tom Way." The webpage also has a logo from the United States Environmental Assessment Center that when you click on it, you are taken to an article entitled "Dihydrogen Monoxide-The Truth."

The website says it was last updated on March 11, 2012, which is today's date. Yesterday when I looked at the website the last updated date was March 10, 2012. So apparently the website is updated every day? However underneath the last updated date there is a note that says "Note: content veracity not implied." Veracity is another word for truth, accuracy, or reliability. The note instantly causes the website to lose in validity that it may have had from the last updated date.

The website makes a lot of claims about how harmful DMHO is but they don't have much to back it up with. Any links provided were the same way. I know that this is an "organization" but it just seems a little biased. They only present their side and view without presenting the other. That also loses credibility a little bit.

I don't think the website is considered a reputable source. The note about how content veracity is not implied just proves that not all the information is necessarily the truth. They may be an organization but that doesn't always mean that they are a reputable source.

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