Friday, February 10, 2012

DEJ #4 The Fine Line Between ADHD and Kinesthetic Learners

     "Now, teachers, relatives, and next-door neighbors are quick to point out the characteristics of ADD. Increasing numbers of youngsters are routinely placed on ”trials” of Ritalin, without first ruling out other factors that could be causing apparent ADHD symptoms. A kinesthetic learner may not need medication so much as innovative teaching methods." (Linksman)

     I completely agree with the above statement. I believe people today are too quick to put a label on who they deem to be "problem" kids. If they are fidgeting  around, always getting up out of their seat, or causing a disturbance, it must be because they have ADD or ADHD. Some teachers don't stop and think that maybe their teaching style isn't helping the student(s) learn. They automatically stick a label on them, maybe recommend to the parents that the child is ADHD, and then go on. As a teacher, it is his/her job to educate and help the students learn. In order to do that, teachers need to learn what teaching style the students have and then try to accommodate each of the styles by mixing up his/her teaching style.
    Technology can help kinesthetic learners in numerous ways. For one thing, learning via technology provides a way for hands on learning that kinesthetic learners benefit from. For example, if in a science or health, instead of listening about open heart surgery, have students "perform" open heart surgery by using a simulation or something of that nature. Teachers can have students take or find pictures to put together video story. Instead of talking about how buildings are made to be earthquake resistant, have the student build a model and test it out.  Ipads have numerous educational apps that can be used also to help kinesthetic learners.

Linksman, R. (n.d.). The Fine Line Between ADHD and Kinesthetic Learners - Free Article. ACN: Alternatives for autism, Tourette syndrome, ADHD, learning problems, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression. Retrieved February 10, 2012, from

Kinesthetic teaching strategies. (2011, September 24). Retrieved on Feburary 10, 2012 from

Related Source:
This website offers numerous teaching strategies to help reach the kinesthetic learner.

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