Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Media Literacy Meets ISTE-NETS

Media literacy is extrememly important in this technological day and age because some form of technology is everywhere you turn. One can get news from the Internet, TV, radio, smartphones, I-pads, etc. In order to inquire into what you hear, you need to be able to analyze it, which is a part of media literacy. Media literacy helps you understand and build on the sense of media's role in society and on skills of self expression that are needed for citizens of a democracy.

The first standard I chose is Standard 3. Standard 3 involves working and learning in the model digital age. The substandard I chose is 3d which involves facilitating the use of current and new digital tools to analyze & evaluate & use information resources for research and learning. Media literacy ties in with this standard in a couple of ways. One, if you don't know how to evaluate the information you are researching, you could be in some trouble. Two, with all of the conflicting information out there, it's important to be media literate so you can sort through the lies and recognize them as lies.

The second standard I chose is Standard 1. Standard 1 includes inspiring and facilitating student learning and creativity. The substandard I chose to go along with it is 1a which supports, promotes, and models creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. In my opinion, this goes along perfectly with media literacy. Media literacy is all about analyzing and evaluating what you see or hear. By promoting innovative thinking, I believe that helps strenghthen your ability to analyze and evaluate.

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