Sunday, January 22, 2012

DEJ #1: Education Needs a Digital Upgrade

"Fully 65 percent of today's grade-school kids may end up doing work that hasn't been invented yet." (Heffernan 2011)

   The previous statistic I find absolutely mind boggling. Things I were taught in grade school, approximately ten years ago, will be irrelevant soon, if they aren't already. At the moment, it looks like nearly two thirds of the next generation will be unprepared for their future jobs. I believe it is through schooling that a person prepares, learns, and starts training for their chosen profession. That preparation starts in grade school. As a future elementary school teacher, I can already feel the pressure and stress of starting to prepare my students for a job that doesn't exist yet. That is why America's education needs a boost. Education needs to change as times change. Otherwise, students will be held back and limited. The article says that currently many teachers do not "possess the digital prowess" and that can hurt the students in the long run. As a teacher, it will be my job to keep up with the changes in order to start preparing the students for their future.

Heffernan, V. (2011, August 7). Education needs a digital upgrade. Retrieved from

Related Resource:
This article gives eight ways that technology is improving the classroom. This article is nearly two years old. Therefore I'm sure more ways have been found that technology improves the classroom.
Kessler, S. (2010, November 22). 8 ways technology is improving education. Retrieved from  

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