Friday, January 27, 2012

Double Entry Journal #2: Web 2.0 and Emerging Learning Technologies/Learning Styles

"According to many researchers, children can learn more effectively when they play video games than when they read books." (Web 2.0 2011)

This quote angered me in a way. I've always enjoyed and valued reading even when I was younger. For me, there was and is nothing better than to crack open a new book to learn about and travel to world different from my own. For example, I learned about everything from the Revolutionary War to Titanic just by reading the Dear America book series. Reading is how I learn. I understand that times are changing and different people learn different ways. However, I am failing to see how learning from reading a book can become outdated. I am all for mixing it up a little bit when it comes to learning. Since this is the digital age, I can understand and even agree with mixing technology into education. What I don't agree with is the idea that books are becoming obsolete and how video games are becoming the way to learn. Teaming up education and technology together is a good thing, until people try to use technology to make education easier and less challenging. In my opinion, learning via video games all the time is taking the easy way out. Students should be challenged and pushed to do above and beyond what is required. In this day and age, what is more challenging that reading a book to learn? Apparently nothing.

Web 2.0 and Emerging Learning Technologies/Learning Styles. (2011, May 19). In WikiBooks. Retrieved January 27, 2012, from  

This cartoon is basically stating that children today don't read anything longer than a text message or read hardly anything at all. Other cartoons that go along with my opinion are at

Glasbergen, R. (Artist). (2011). Cartoons about reading. [Web Drawing]. Retrieved  on January 27, 2012 from 

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