Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Kind of Learner Are You?

  • Visual: 3  Aural: 4  Read/Write: 3 Kinesthetic: 7
I found out that I was a Kinesthetic learner which means I learn best by doing. In order to show that, I made my hands larger and a brighter color so they would stand out. Some strategies I can employ as a learner is to go ahead and try something out. If I don't succeed, then I know what not to do for the next time. Another strategy I can employ is to go ahead and attempt something instead of waiting and watching someone else go first. Personally, I always thought I was more of a visual learner because I feel as if I learn best by following an example. Technology can be used to support my learning style in a couple of different ways. Such as:
  1. By using ISTE-NETS Standard 1d (Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity) I can use a virtual world which I can make up in order to connect & share ideas with others by modeling our ideas.
  2. By having my class use online simulations of things such as space travel, they can know how it feels to go into space without actually going. (Standard 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments)
  3. If the class was learning about current issues around the globe, by having them watch videos they can gain an understanding of what is happening. Once they gain that understanding, by using tools such as Skype, they can discuss the issues and their ideas for a solution with other students so they see and respect another point of view. (4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility)

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